Saturday, September 11, 2010

Traces: Document, record, archive, archives By Sue McKemmish

The whole article focused on the case study of the 'children thrown overboard' and how the picture was taken out of context and used nefariously, making the argument that archivists have the responsibility to keep saved records in such a manor that they are contextualized from the beginning to avoid these situations.

However, I find the statement "Records are 'always in a process of becoming'."
to be the more valid point. Once something is saved it is the responsibility of the viewer to question that which is presented and the duty of the archivist to preserve information in formats and ways that allow the public to find the true facts as its very rare for a librarian of any discipline to have the authority or political power to stop reporters and politicians from misusing the information that comes into their hands.

The picture of the children being rescued can still be found online with incorrect information and corrected information attached to it which illustrates the true tragedy of unintentional digital archiving.

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